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Allergy Clinic

Allergy is one of the common diseases which presents as running nose, sneezing, nasal block, nasal itching, redness of the eye, wheezing, skin rashes and cough.

It is important to find out to what substance the person is allergic to. Common substances to which people are allergic are pollen, dust mites, fungus, insect dander, dog epithelium, cat epithelium, and foods such as egg, milk, fish, nuts etc.

Detection of these allergens and their avoidance is the primary goal in the treatment of allergy.

At MENTS Hospital, allergic skin prick testing (ASPT) is done to detect the substance the person is allergic to.

Based on this, Immunotherapy is carried out for substances or allergens which can cannot be avoided.

Other treatment include antihistamines, steroids, Leukotriene antagonists, Mast cell stabilizers, nasal sprays etc.

Audio clinic

To diagnose the cause of hearing loss, various tests are done such as

  • Pure tone audiometry
  • Speech Audiometry
  • Tone Decay test
  • Short Increment Sensitivity Test
  • Uncomfortable loudness level
  • Otoacoustic emissions
  • Brain Stem Response audiometry
  • Middle latency responses
  • Late latency responses
  • Auditory Steady State Responses
  • Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials
  • Electrocochleography

Some of these tests ask for patient’s responses (Subjective tests) and some are entirely independent of patient’s responses (Objective tests).

Even hearing ability in the new born child can be found by objective tests. In fact it is advisable that every child is evaluated for hearing at an early age so that they can be treated appropriately.

Various types of hearing aids are dispensed ranging from invisible hearing aids to just visible hearing aids depending on the severity of the hearing loss.

Hear and Speak Cochlear Implant Clinic

State of the art Hear and Speak Cochlear Implant Clinic in MENTS Hospital deals with patients with speech problems. Speech problems can be due to hearing related problems, psychological problems, attention related problems and learning related problems. Exact cause for the speech problem can be diagnosed and treatment can be instituted by professional speech therapists and clinical psycologists.

Young children who are unable to speak due to lack of hearing can be helped by Cochlear Implantation surgery.

Separate play area and therapy area is available for the children during the speech therapy sessions.

The information panels, age appropriate games, writing boards, therapy modules, and child friendly interiors are the highlights of this clinic.

Voice Clinic

Vocal cords are like musical instrument. Any small structural or functional changes to vocal cords can change the person's voice.

To diagnose the diseases of vocal cords video laryngoscopy is done to have a magnified and illuminated vocal cords.

Depending upon the vocal cord problem either medical or laser surgical treatment is advised. Some problems need voice and speech therapy.

Vertigo Clinic

Sensation of spinning or imbalance with a rotatory feeling is called Vertigo. Many patients suffer from momentary vertigo or long lasting vertigo.

One of the common causes for vertigo is diseases of the inner ear such as BPPV, Meniere's disease, Vestibular neuronitis etc. To diagnose the exact cause of vertigo an important test called Electro Nystagmography (ENG) is carried out at MENTS Hospital by qualified therapists.

ENG takes about 45 minutes to do and patient will be connected to the computer with electrodes on to the side and front of the head to detect any abnormal eye movements which are frequently present in vertigo patients. Hot and Cold water caloric tests are also done during the ENG.

Operation theatre complex

At MENTS hospital, three operation theatres are equipped with High end Surgical Microscopes, Microdebriders, Fusion Navigation system, Laser machine, High definition video camera, radiofrequency unit etc.

The operation theatres are connected with the hospital auditorium. Most of the surgeries can be relayed live for the patient attenders to watch the surgery. Also Continuing Medical Education programmes have become a routine in MENTS hospital to teach the surgical techniques to the ENT specialists by the national and international experts in the field.


Strategically located next to the operation theatre complex is the Intensive care unit. State of the art equipments needed for the ICU for patients from monitors to ventilators are available until the patient recovers completely. A dedicated staff nurse is posted in ICU for close monitoring of the patient.

Sleep lab

Located in the first floor the hospital. Sleep lab is designed with interiors resembling a bed room. It is sound treated with dedicated Oxygen pipe line. It is fully furnished, air conditioned and under CCTV surveillance. Adjacent to the sleep lab is the technician’s room in which the sleep technician can monitor the patient without interfering in the privacy of the patient.

Patients who are suffering from severe snoring and sleep apnoea are adviced to undergo the “Sleep Study” in this Sleep lab. This is the overnight study and patient is made to wear certain electrodes which are connected to the sleep monitoring machine.

This facility will do a real time recording of certain sleep events such as Snoring, AHI score, RDI score, Periodic leg movements, Oxygen desaturation index, Stages of sleep, Body position etc. A detailed report will be given to the patient after the sleep study.

Home stay

"Experience the treatment at home" is the motto of home stay facility. Patients feel a homely experience along with his family members in this home stay facility. This includes a fully furnished pent house apartment located on the fourth floor of the hospital.

Once the patient is stabilized, he is shifted to the home stay and further treatment is continued in the home stay facility. This service is much appreciated by the patients as it is a unique facility available in any ENT hospital.

Out patient

Four state of the art out patient consultation chambers with attached examination rooms for complete ear, nose and throat and head and neck examination available in ground floor the hosptial.

Assisted by qualified nurses to make patient comfortable. Waiting time is kept minimal and appointments are faithfully honoured. Emergencies are attended immediately.

In patient

Deluxe room and AC rooms and general ward are available for patients to choose from, with attached bathrooms are located in the first floor of the hospital.

One sharing room is also available.

24 x7 nursing station is located in proximity to the inpatients.